At the end of January, Caden's kindergarten class celebrated the 100th day of school. He had to create a shirt displaying 100 of the same items and bring a bag of 100 items. Caden chose football stickers for his shirt and legos for his bag.
Caden has started basketball practice. This is his first official experience with the sport. At the end of January, he attended a basketball clinic led by a high school coach and player. Last week, Caden had his first team practice. He seems to really enjoy playing, and he was thrilled that he made a basket! Unfortunately, he will miss the first two games due to our travels over the next couple weekends. (Notice all of the boxes...Our Shepherd Lutheran School moved into their brand new building over the weekend! It's wonderful!)
The boys celebrated Valentine's Day at school last week. As room mom for both boys, I was very busy during the parties, so I didn't get a chance to take many photos. During Cole's party, the preschoolers enjoyed lots of red snacks, played Heart, Heart, Valentine (AKA Duck, Duck, Goose), decorated mail bags with stickers and stamps for their valentines, and delivered their valentines. Here is Cole enjoying his red snacks (or catching jello that slipped off his spoon).

During Caden's party, the kindergarteners decorated their valentine bags, delivered their valentines, made two crafts, and played several valentine-themed games. Here is Caden patiently waiting for his table's turn to deliver their valentines.
I fell behind on my seasonal duty to order photos. I spent part of the weekend ordering photos from fall and winter, so no pictures were taken of our weekend or Valentine's Day celebration. We enjoyed a nice four-day weekend at home with President's Day and a day off on Tuesday for the school move. Nana visited from Thursday evening through Monday, and Papa joined her on Friday evening. Over the weekend, we enjoyed LOTS of red, pink, and heart-shaped treats. The boys had tons of fun on their valentine treasure hunt all around the house that ended with legos and candy for Caden and Toy Story characters and candy for Cole. We received a few more inches of snow on Monday (after receiving several inches early last week) and had plans to play in it, but decided to stay in to help get rid of our colds and coughs before our trip to San Diego. We stayed entertained with books, the Olympics, a movie, and both board and video games.
Tomorrow, we're off to San Diego for five days. Although I don't mind the snow (when I can stay off the roads), it will be nice to see some sunshine and warmer temps.