Monday, April 19, 2010

24 Weeks with Baby BOY #3

Last week, I hit the 24-week mark. Since my last picture, we found out that we're adding another boy to our family. Everyone is very excited! Caden is relieved. On the morning of the ultrasound, Caden said, "It doesn't matter what the baby is," followed by a brief pause, "as long as the baby is a boy." :)

Moms of three warned me, but I didn't truly believe it until now...Compared to my first two pregnancies, I'm feeling and looking about 8-10 weeks further along--probably NOT a good thing. Overall, I'm doing really well and enjoying this pregnancy, minus the pain from either a pulled muscle or baby part in my ribs.

Name discussion has come to a halt, but not because we have a name. The third boy name is VERY difficult! As many of you know, even when we FINALLY decide, we won't share the name until Baby Boy arrives.


After visiting Bracket Town on Saturday afternoon, Nana and I brought the boys home to color Easter eggs.
Proud of their colored eggs

Right before bed, the eggs were dry enough to add the superhero and Toy Story stickers.

Cole insisted on showing off his Easter eggs right in front of his face.

Ready for the Easter bunny and bed after a busy day

Easter morning

Before church, Caden and Cole looked in their baskets from the Easter bunny.

Caden, Nana, and I went to church while the basketball fans and Cole took it easy at home. After church, Caden and Cole went on their Easter egg hunt.

Cole took a short chocolate break during the egg hunt.

Cole, Caden, and Papa emptying their eggs and checking out the goodies

Then they spotted an egg on the deck...Egg hunt continued

After the eggs were found, Caden got busy building new Legos and Cole played with his new superheroes.

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring Break

The boys and I had a wonderful spring break. We enjoyed relaxed mornings and fun-filled afternoons at the Children's Museum, library, and parks.

We checked out the new Bob the Builder exhibit at the Children's Museum. Here are Cole, Bob, and Pilchard.

Caden and Cole on Muck

Caden and Cole pretending to be plumbers

On Saturday, the boys' church/school hosted an Easter egg hunt. It was raining, so the event was held inside and was more of a gather than a hunt. Eggs galore filled the hallways! Cole (in navy) and his buddy, Ryan (in gray) grabbing eggs

Caden grabbed his fair share of eggs.

Happy with a full Easter basket!

Cole sampling his treats

After the Easter egg hunt, we ventured downtown to the NCAA Final Four Bracket Town. The convention center was filled with tons of different basketball exhibits. It was a very busy place, so very few pictures were taken.

Caden as Mr. Peanut

And, of course, Cole as Mr. Peanut

Posing with the National Championship trophy (Curt or my dad will correct me if I'm wrong about that.)

Caden with Papa and Nana

Nana, the boys, and I left Curt and Papa downtown to enjoy the Final Four games, while we came home to watch an Easter cartoon and dye Easter eggs. Cole did not approve of the Easter cartoon, so he hung out upstairs and raided Papa's suitcase. Here is Cole sporting Papa's socks and showing his neverending support for the Illini.

Curt and Papa were lucky enough to experience the Final Four games and one of the most exciting championship games. For a few days, we became a family of Butler fans. Too bad that last shot didn't go in!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Finishing Up Basketball Season

A few Saturdays back, Caden played his last Little Rams basketball game. He really enjoyed playing basketball.

Pre-game pep talk from the coach

Caden said that dribbling WHILE moving was the hardest part of basketball. He tried hard and improved throughout the season.

Caden getting his trophy and Bible from Mr. Jipp, the athletic director

Caden and his coach, Mr. Devlin

Caden's basketball team

Our basketball star--Caden was thrilled to add another trophy to his growing collection.