Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kieran is one month old.

It's hard to believe that a month has already passed! Here is Kieran at one month. He weighed 10 lbs. 13 oz. at his check-up (really at 5 weeks). He measured 23 inches long, but he was moving quite a bit so the accuracy is questionable. Regardless, Kieran is GROWING! (Because I know relatives will ask, Caden weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and Cole weighed 10 lbs. 6 oz. at one month.) Kieran is our biggest and most easygoing baby so far.

Kieran is starting to take an interest in his toys. He loves to watch his brothers and ceiling fans.

Kieran seems to have fallen into a natural sleep schedule. It would be nice if that continued! He has a pretty set sleepy time in the morning and one in the afternoon. It is hard to put him down for naps because he is so snuggly, but he will sleep nicely without being held (couldn't say that for Cole!). Thankfully, he doesn't have his nights and days mixed up so far, sleeping 4-5 hours at a time at night. He even slept for a seven-hour stretch once!

Hanging out in the sunroom with Nana

Kieran will let you know if he wants you to stand up while holding him. He'll grunt and stretch his legs out, and then calm down instantly when you give in.

I love how chunky Kieran looks in this photo! Here he is ignoring my attempts to wake him up. He was having an especially sleepy afternoon, and I was worried what that meant for our night. Kieran didn't care though!

Such a blessing!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Caden is a first grader!

Caden started first grade at Chatham Elementary this morning. Really? Where did the time go? I cannot believe he is in first grade. (Will I say that at the beginning of every school year? Yes!)

Caden is riding the school bus for the first time this year. He was so excited. Their Indy school did not have bus service, and he was bummed about that last year. Sending Caden off on a bus will be quite an adjustment for me because I'm used to walking Caden to his classroom every morning and chatting with the other parents and teachers. The bus stop is just two blocks away, so it will be a quick walk in the morning (or ride in the rain and winter). Here is Caden waiting for the bus with Curt and Kieran in the background.

So excited and ready to get back to school!

Off to first grade...

First half day was a success! Caden was so happy to get out of the house on his own and meet new kids. Full days start tomorrow. The bus will pick him up at 7:39 and drop him off at 3:38. I have a feeling that we'll have a happily worn out first grader.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kieran's First Few Weeks

Here are some photos from Kieran's first few weeks at home. We were so lucky to have Daddy and Grammy here for the first week, and then Nana stayed with us for the next week. It has been terribly hot, so we're staying close to home and getting used to being a family of five.

Happy Cole holding an unhappy Kieran

Biggest brother Caden

Kieran is NOT a fan of sponge baths.

Are we done yet?

Finally wrapped up and getting warm

Caden and Cole gifting Kieran with animal toys and Star Wars board books

Kieran relaxing with Aunt Shannon

Aunt Shannon and her three nephews

Can't resist taking photos of a sweet sleeping baby

I promise I'm not always asleep.

But if someone will hold me, I will snooze on them.

Nana and the boys

Trying to capture Kieran's grin...

Almost caught the sweet smile

Papa, Caden, and Kieran

If Kieran is swaddled, he'll sleep for stretches of three to five hours, which is especially appreciated during the night. He has been the best sleeper of our three boys.

Is Kieran too young for social smiling?! We don't think so!

Kieran thinks Daddy is so funny.

So far, Kieran has been a pretty easygoing little guy. He doesn't cry a whole lot, preferring to grunt instead. He's the best sleeper of our three boys, especially when swaddled. His awake and alert times are increasing with his sleepiest time being in the afternoon. Kieran's big brothers are adjusting well. They enjoy entertaining Kieran.

Kieran John is here!

Our newest addition to the family arrived on Monday, July 26 at 8:46 AM, just two days before his 39-week induction date. Kieran John weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21 inches long. Curt and I are loving being parents to our three little guys. Caden has been full of questions and very helpful. Cole loves to give Kieran kisses and hugs.

Kieran with a tired but very happy mommy

Kieran sucking on his finger

Thrilled parents with Kieran

Meeting Nana & Papa for the first time

Meeting Grammy for the first time

Kieran was not happy about being checked out by the nurses or bathed.

Relaxing under the warming light

Caden & Cole meeting Kieran

Caden's first time holding a baby

Cole's turn to hold Kieran

All of my handsome boys

Proud Daddy

Wiped out from all of the excitement

This pose seemed very comfortable to Kieran. I have a feeling he's been sucking his fingers for quite some time.

Heading home

Welcome, Kieran John! We are so happy you are here!