Kieran's 5-month photos with his sock monkey
Missing his nap and watching his brothers during the music portion of Breakfast with Santa at our church
Loving on his O ball, one of his favorite toys
On the day after Christmas, we discovered that Kieran could sit up on his own and play. We usually have the boppy (or someone) behind Kieran to catch him in the moments of excitement when he throws himself backward.
Kieran loves the "What's Inside?" box that he got from Nana and Papa. The little toys have different textures and are the perfect size for grabbing and chewing.
Kieran seems to favor a different toy from the "What's Inside?" box everyday. On this day, his favorite was the frog.
Just another photo of our little guy who is getting too big too fast!
Testing out his new high chair
Kieran loves to shake, bang, and toss his toys.
Grabbing his toes and doing a little yoga with happy baby pose
Modeling his new outfit from Aunt Mariah
Kieran does not like the owl hat, but I LOVE it!
6 months old and very happy about it!

"Hey, what's this monkey doing in my chair?"

"Ha, ha! I took the monkey's teddy bear."

Kieran's first taste of rice cereal...not so sure about it.

Kieran has had a busy two months. At his 6-month check-up, he weighed 17 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 26 1/2 inches long. He is rolling over from his belly to his back and almost the other way but he gets stuck and angry. He is sitting up like a pro. Kieran has added new sounds to his voice--lots of consonants and vowels along with squeals, screeches, and screams (some happy and some mad). He has started touching others' faces and grabbing hair. He has discovered his ears and toes and the fun sound his fingernails can make when scratching surfaces. Although not certain we can count it yet (but I am), he seems to give hugs, wave, and give fives. Kieran could definitely be a better napper, but he sleeps pretty well on most nights. He has started eating cereals, and we're adding orange vegetables this weekend. Exciting stuff for our littlest one!
"Hey, what's this monkey doing in my chair?"
"Ha, ha! I took the monkey's teddy bear."
Kieran's first taste of rice cereal...not so sure about it.
No teeth yet, but Kieran sure acts like he's teething. Chew and drool...two of his Kieran's pasttimes. Here he is chewing on his sippy cup of water.
Kieran has had a busy two months. At his 6-month check-up, he weighed 17 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 26 1/2 inches long. He is rolling over from his belly to his back and almost the other way but he gets stuck and angry. He is sitting up like a pro. Kieran has added new sounds to his voice--lots of consonants and vowels along with squeals, screeches, and screams (some happy and some mad). He has started touching others' faces and grabbing hair. He has discovered his ears and toes and the fun sound his fingernails can make when scratching surfaces. Although not certain we can count it yet (but I am), he seems to give hugs, wave, and give fives. Kieran could definitely be a better napper, but he sleeps pretty well on most nights. He has started eating cereals, and we're adding orange vegetables this weekend. Exciting stuff for our littlest one!