Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kieran at 14 months

Photos from Kieran's 14th month...

Playing with the nesting cups

Kieran was pretty excited to learn that the little cups fit inside the bigger ones.

Reading with Nana

Reading his big brothers' books

Kieran was pretty proud of himself when he climbed into this kitchen drawer.

Official 14-month photo with sock monkey
Highlights from the past month...Takes a few steps every once in a while and is pretty steady so he could walk but is not ready yet, cruises the furniture and uses push toys to get around if he can, says "uh oh" and "whoa," tries to wrestle and play chase with his daddy and brothers (monkey see, monkey do), has five teeth, loves flipping through books and magazines, and enjoys stacking blocks and knocking them over.  Wish I could say he's sleeping well, but he's taking a break from good sleep patterns right now.  Next month, Kieran will experience Disney World for the first time!    

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cole's First Day of School

Last week, Cole started his last year of preschool at Cherry Hills Preschool.

Before heading out the door

Showing off his cool backpack

Cole had homework before school even started.

Getting ready to head into the building for another great school year

Labor Day Weekend 2011

Mommy and the little boys went to Rankin for a visit with Nana, Papa, Aunt Shannon, and Josh.  On Saturday, Caden and Cole tested out the new zip line, and then we spent some time at Hoopeston's Sweetcorn Festival. 

Kieran playing ball with Papa

Cole trying out the zip line

Caden's turn

Cole getting a push from Papa

Cole let go too early once and planted his face in the ground, but he recovered and went again.

Ready for a battle?

Caden loved the zip line and had a few small blisters as proof.

Cole in his ninja pose

Cole waiting for a boost from Josh

Kieran snoozing at the (very hot!) Sweetcorn Festival

Cole zooming down the slide

Caden and Cole enjoyed a few rides before being wiped out by the heat and heading home.

Cole is very comfortable on a motorcycle.

Kieran, our future pianist
On Sunday, we went to the Cardinals vs. Reds game. Thankfully, the temperature was much cooler than it was on Saturday. We had a fun time despite the loss.  

Caden & Cole with their Pujols action figures

The Settlemoir guys

Cole in the kids' area (a little dark, but it's a cute photo of him)

Cole, Kieran, and Mommy took a break in the kids' area for a couple innings.

Kieran, our newest Cardinal fan--He was such a good baseball fan. He enjoyed clapping and watching the people.
 After a busy Saturday and Sunday, we took it easy and enjoyed the beautiful weather on Labor Day. Such a fun-filled weekend!

Kieran at 13 months

Some highlights from Kieran's 13th month...

A boy and his monkey

So much fun to empty drawers, especially kitchen or clothing ones

Loves to share! Rings, anyone?

Laughing at himself

Thought it was so much fun climbing in and out of the laundry basket under the table

One of Kieran's favorite pasttimes--Stacking and reshelving books
This month, Kieran...slides down his little slide the correct way and claps at his accomplishment, says several words (mom, da, ow, hi, boon for balloon, eee for drink), pretends the remote is a phone, has his third and fourth teeth (both on top), loves to wave, harasses our cat by chasing her and growling at her, and thinks about walking but lowers himself slowly to the ground and takes off crawling instead.  

Illinois State Fair 2011

Some photos from our second trip to the 2011 Illinois State Fair with Nana & Papa...

Cole as a cardinal in Conservation World

Doesn't Caden make a cute raccoon? Someday, he won't appreciate this photo.

Caden learning to shoot a bow and arrow

Cole trying to pop balloons with a bow and arrow

The boys got plenty of use out of their mega passes this year.

Kieran entertained Mommy while waiting for Papa, Caden, & Cole to get off the tilt-a-whirl.

Kieran was happy watching the boys play games and ride carnival rides. He also enjoyed his share of fair food and some nap time.

Cole & Caden loved the fair's version of Legoland's Beetle Bounce.

Mommy & Cole racing Caden on the giant slide--one of our favorite parts of the fair

 A couple more photos from this summer...

Cole & Nana swimming in the Piper Glen pool

Caden & Kieran showing off their new smiles--Caden is losing teeth, while Kieran is adding them. Caden lost his fourth tooth during lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. Kieran is up to four teeth with a couple more close behind.

Caden Starts 2nd Grade

A few photos from Caden's first day of second grade...

Caden ready for 2nd grade

Cole & Caden before walking down to the bus stop

Back from his first day of 2nd grade

Kieran is 1!!!

Here are some photos from Kieran's 12th month and his 1st birthday party...

Kieran has discovered the joy of emptying bookshelves.

Searching for the perfect book

Figured out how to work the ball popper without assistance

Kieran at his 1st birthday party

All Kieran wanted for his birthday was a bunch of "boons"

Kieran's first Grammy cake

Smash cake from Grammy

Daddy & the birthday boy at his party

Trying to escape from the party hat

Ready to make a wish

Checking with Mom--Is this cake really all mine?!

Taking the cake-eating slowly

The verdict...YUMMY!

Opening presents from friends and family

Dancing to some music from the crocodile piano and making the big kids laugh

Taking a ride on his new Spiderman car from Nana & Papa

Loves his slide from Grammy & Grandpa

Playing with new toys

Spaghetti & cake mess!

Official 1-year photo with sock monkey

Kieran's 1st birthday--Still happy with his birthday balloons

Reading books--a fave activity

Present time, take #2

Caden & Cole helped Kieran open his presents this year. It will probably be the last time Kieran wants their help.

Playing a tune on his new xylophone

Mommy & the birthday boy--Can't believe Kieran is 1 already!

Caden & Kieran

Cole & Kieran playing with a birthday toy
 At 12 months, Kieran is...a dancing machine even to organ music at church, clapping the correct way especially when someone sings or says hooray, possibly shaking his head "no," now playing with his own hair to soothe himself, has 3 teeth with 3 more on their way, drinking from a straw, enjoying looking at and stacking books, having fun taking out and putting away anything he can, initiating peek-a-boo, loving playing chase with Daddy and his brothers, saying "ma" (most often when upset), has definite sounds for his brothers and cat, crusing everywhere, and taking more interest in being walked but no steps on his own YET. Slow down time! This year flew by!