Thursday, November 1, 2012


We enjoyed another year of jack-o-lanterns at Washington Park's Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular. Our new camera was not cooperating (more likely, user error), but here are a couple from my phone or Papa's camera.

Nana and Kieran

Kieran, Sophia, Cole, and Caden with an Angry Bird jack-o-lantern (a favorite)

Here is the Settlemoir jack-o-lantern for 2012.  Again, the big boys decided on the design, and Curt worked hard to pull it off.  Success!
Preparing the pumpkin

They're getting so big!

I LOVE my boys!

Here are just a few random photos of our boys from September/October...

Just like his brothers, Kieran loves looking at books. I love reading to him and listening to him "read" to me. Current favorites include Thomas the Train, Trucktown, and any vehicle books.
My cowboys on Western Day during Homecoming week

Caden watching one of the last Cardinals games and hoping for a win (in Christmas pajamas of course!)

Cole wiggling his first loose tooth

And it's OUT! Cole wouldn't let anyone else mess with his tooth. He wanted the tooth to fall out on its own. On the way home from gymnastics this week, it just popped out. It was starting to get in the way and more than ready to come out. Tooth Fairy brought Cole $5 for his first tooth.