Friday, May 8, 2009

Our baby is a big boy!

Playing catch-up (again) with three new posts...

We blinked and Cole became a big boy. He is our little entertainer. We catch him singing songs, either real or made-up. Wish we could catch him on video! He loves to make us laugh. He also enjoys pretending. Nearly everyday someone in our family takes on a different role. After watching the movie Bolt, Cole portrayed Bolt with Kelly as Penny for several days. Thanks to his big brother and his daddy, he also loves superheroes/villains and Star Wars. Cole is also our careless risk-taker. SO FAR, all of our playground trips have been successful, which means no bones were broken. We wonder how much longer we will be able to say that. Cole will be three years old next month! Where did the time go?

This post is all about Cole because he has reached a couple big milestones in his life. First, he went to his last Funshop this week. The next few pictures show Cole with some of his favorite Funshop activities. We are going to miss Funshop!

Cole had to check out the masks every week. Here he is as a peacock.
The castle playset was a big hit with Cole.
Fixing a snack for Barney
Taking a turn on the slide
The second big milestone...Cole has been working very hard on using the potty. He has been very successful. It is hard to believe his diaper days are almost over. He wears undies at home, but we haven't had the courage to trust him when we are out and about (maybe next week?). Here is Cole showing off his Buzz undies and his belly tattoos for potty success. So proud!

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