I was attempting to get a picture of Darth Vader and Spiderman in front of the ZooBoo pumpkin, but Cole couldn't decide if he wanted his mask on or off and a line was forming behind us...We moved on.
Our Spidey and Vader
Cole pumpkin bowling

Caden was proud that he made it through the straw maze.
Cole LOVED the straw maze!

Back through the maze again
While Cole was going in and out of the maze, Caden played, "Guess What Animal Part." He wasn't quite sure about sticking his hand in at first, but the zookeeper assured him that nothing was alive.
Papa, Nana, and the boys after one of the not-so-scary animal shows

I was glad to have Papa along as he was willing to take Caden on the rollercoaster and VERY bumpy 3-D ride. We finished the day on a backward carousel ride. Such a fun afternoon at the zoo! The boys were thrilled to wear their costumes. We're already looking forward to Christmas at the Zoo!
1 comment:
So much fun to do in Indy!!! Boys look great!!! What is it about those straw mazes?
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