Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Halloween 2010

Nana, Papa, and Aunt Shannon spent Halloween weekend with us.

Reading Halloween books on Halloween morning
The boys and Aunt Shannon

Our sweet little Toad (PERFECT costume courtesy of Nana)

I LOVE coordinating costumes! I'm so glad the big boys wanted to go together this year.

Mario & Luigi very ready to go trick-or-treating

We trick-or-treated with our neighbors. Sophia (a kindergartener) & Cole are holding hands.

Trick or treat!

"I got a BIG Hershey bar!"

Our Toad going along for the ride until it got too chilly

We met up with some more cul-de-sac friends.

Nana & Papa passed out candy at our house while we trick-or-treated.

Cole counting his candy

Caden stuffing his mouth with as much candy as possible

After trick-or-treating, we went to our neighbors' house for a bonfire. The boys enjoyed yummy smores and playing in the dark. Yet another FUN Halloween!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Toad is the best costume ever!!!!!