Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mother's Day at Busch Stadium

We spent Mother's Day at the Cardinals game with Nana, Papa, Grammy, and Grandpa. It was a beautiful day--sunny and hot with a win for the Cardinals.

My little Cardinals fans and me

Grammy and Kieran at his first baseball game

Curt and Kieran

Curt's love for baseball has rubbed off on Caden. He will sit and watch baseball with Curt now, asking tons of questions, keeping everyone up to date if something important was missed, and insisting on replays if he missed something exciting.

Kieran and I were much happier at the game knowing we could retreat to first aid to cool off and nurse. Best tip ever! Wish I had known this when we brought Cole to his first game at 9-10 months of age.

Cole warming up to run the bases after the game...

and cooling off with a snowcone with Nana and Papa.

My guys walking up to run the bases after the game

Curt and Kieran giving Fred Bird a high-five with Cole following behind. Caden was already off and running.

Cole, Curt, and Kieran crossing homeplate

Caden was so fast that I missed him crossing homeplate. Here he is happy with the day.

Fabulous Mother's Day!

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