Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Halloween Festivities

I have been having a lot of problems with our blog site, so I'm just now getting our Halloween photos up.  I have been trying to update our photos since before Christmas.  Now, I am way behind.  Here are some snapshots from our Halloween activities.
Kieran (as Jake the pirate from Disney Jr) at Funshop

Caden's fall party
Ms. Hall's 3rd graders in costume

Caden, Saurya, and Daniel

Caden and Saurya unmasked

Cole's fall party
Cole is the yellow ninja on the end in the back row

Making Frankensteins out of toilet paper rolls

Kieran "helping" during Cole's party

The boys, Sophia, and I had fun at Island Bay's Halloween Party 
Kieran and Sophia
Caden and Cole assisting the wizard during the magic act

Halloween Night!
Jake the pirate, Snake Eyes from GI Joe, and a yellow ninja ready to trick-or-treat
Going through their treats
Cole enjoying his candy before being cut off for the night
Caden and Cole inspecting a new type of candy

Kieran was very into trick-or-treating this year.  He had a lot of fun!

Thanks for patiently waiting!  I have many more photos to catch up on!

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