Thursday, May 23, 2013

Spring Snow

On Palm Sunday, a blizzard hit Springfield.  We received 17-18 inches of snow!  The boys were on Spring Break, so they didn't get a snow day out of the event.  We did get to spend one extra day with Nana and Papa who did not brave the weather to head home on Sunday as they usually do.  We did not expect to start Spring Break with a snow storm.  Last year, the boys played in shorts and sprinklers over Spring Break.  Illinois weather...Go figure!  

Taking it easy on a snowy day

After Nana and Papa hit the road, we went outside to play in the snow.  The boys had a great time!

Working together

Kieran is ready for spring!

Caden and Cole posing with their snowman--We later added bunny ears and Easter baskets to it.

Caden and Cole dug out the gate to the backyard.  Kieran could not even walk in the deep snow, so we went inside.

It was great to get some snow after such a boring winter, weather-wise, but I would rather the snow come in Dec-Feb next time.  

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