Sunday, August 4, 2013

A little bit of our spring

Spring was busy with school activities, tball, and baseball.  The boys also struggled with illness--ear infections and strep throat.

We spent the last morning of Spring Break at Scheels.  The main purpose was to buy baseball gear, but the boys also enjoyed all of the extra fun that Scheels has.

Caden and Cole convinced Kieran to brave the playset, and he had so much fun.  

Kieran practicing his soccer skills

After lunch, the boys enjoyed their free ice cream treats.

Kieran's last nap in his crib

Kieran trying out his big boy bed.  Can you tell he was excited?!

Under the weather with another ear infection :(

Thankful for antibiotics!  Kieran was good as new the next day and happy to be on the Funshop bus ride.

Chase and Kieran waiting for the bus back to Funshop on a very chilly April morning

Taking it easy together

Kieran back at one of his favorite places, Scheels

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