Monday, June 11, 2012


We spent Easter weekend in Benton with Grammy, Grandpa, and Aunt Mariah. We arrived to find Easter eggs hidden all over the yard by Grammy.

Kieran joined in the fun this year.

Caden on the search

Cole trying to find the most eggs

Kieran didn't get to eat most of the candy inside the eggs, but he still had fun finding them.

Aunt Mariah was Kieran's assistant.

Cole looking very determined
Aunt Mariah trying to alert Kieran to an egg without telling the big boys

Grammy and Kieran swinging

Caden and Cole coloring Easter eggs

Kieran helped decorate eggs too.

Aunt Mariah and Cole tie-dying an Easter egg

Grandpa and the boys checking out what the Easter Bunny left and enjoying a breakfast appetizer of candy on Easter morning
It was a quick visit, but we enjoyed our time with Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Mariah, and their pets.

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