Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mother's Day at the Cardinals Game

We spent Mother's Day at the Cardinals game with Nana, Papa, Grammy, and Aunt Mariah.  The weather was gorgeous--very sunny and warm.  We had a fun day together despite the Cardinals loss. 

My Mother's Day goodies--beautiful flowers, pottery bowl from Caden, and a silhouette from Cole

The boys who call me "Mom"

It's very difficult to get all three boys to look at the camera and smile at the same time, but I love them anyway!

Caden, Curt, and Cole in our seats at the game

Mariah, Grammy, Nana, Papa, and Kieran waiting for the game to start

Nana and Kieran, our youngest baseball fan

Taking a break from the game and heat in the kids' play area

Watching Caden in the pitching cage

It was a fantastic surprise to run into two sets of friends at the ballpark. Made for an even better day! Here are Caden and Mason in the video game room.  

Worn out Kieran on Curt's lap

Caden, Mason, and Mitchell--So much FUN to watch the Cardinals with friends!

The moms and boys

After the game, the boys took part in one of our favorite activities--running the bases.
Caden is wearing #23. Cole is #4.

Caden crossing home

Cole (behind the lady) approaching home--His face in this photo makes me laugh.

Kieran and I walked the bases together.

Kieran crossing home
Thanks to Curt for another fun Mother's Day at the ballpark! 

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