Tuesday, August 19, 2014

July (post-4th, pre-vacation)

Another busy couple weeks of summer...

Caden and Cole attended LLCC's College for Kids four-morning program the week of July 7th. After the first session, we met friends/fellow CFK attendees at Knights Action Park.
Kieran going down the Humpty Dumpty slide for the first time with Susan spotting him at the bottom

Aidan and Kieran
Kieran took another week of swim lessons while his brothers were at College for Kids. He made a lot of progress, swimming short distances on his own and going down the slide.
Ready for his lesson
Pop volcano fun at Island Bay

Cole participated in a three-session Tae Kwon Do camp and really enjoyed it. We will likely enroll him once soccer is over. 

My crew for the College for Kids morning commute...lots of boy humor!
Saurya, Noah, Kieran, Aidan, Caden, and Cole
Kieran swimming a little on his own with Miss Anna staying close
So much progress!

Caden with one of his Lego creations

Moms Group hosted a fun morning at Washington Park.
Kieran showing off his Cheetoh head

Kieran's turn to toss Cheetohs at Caden's shaving cream-topped head
Cole's buddy, Henry visited us for the day. He moved to Glen Carbon at the end of the school year. He spent the day with us while his mom was at work in Springfield. Henry went to the park with us. 

Later in the day, we took Henry to Island Bay. 
Kieran showing off his new found courage (with his puddle jumper this time)

Buddies! Cole is going to miss Henry so much.
They took a break from swimming for a game of tetherball.

Caden participated in the water gun fight at the club.

My sweetie at the library

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