Sunday, April 10, 2016

Our December

A month full of special events...

Breakfast with Santa at our church...This year, Nana, Papa, and Grandma Pat were able to join us.
Caden's first year as a helper elf

We were happy to have Grandma Pat with us.

Enjoying the cookies they decorated
Traditional photo opp by the sanctuary tree
Caden took a break from his volunteer duties for a few photos.

Going over their lengthy wish lists

Love this photo of Cole and Kieran with Santa!

Making themselves comfortable during story time
Caden and Cole had a piano recital at our church. It was Cole's first. They both did a nice job.

Sunday School Christmas program...Caden and Cole had speaking parts, and Kieran's class sang a few songs.

Kieran's last preschool Christmas program...bittersweet

Caden's Winter Band Concert...The band had improved so much since their concert last spring. The concert and jazz bands performed. The chorus sang too.  

I doubt I want to know what is so funny.

Concert band

Caden had a solo during one of the jazz band songs.
Caden's honors language arts class put on a readers' theater of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown."
Caden played Schroeder.
Cole's class winter party
We inherited this great snowman game from friends.

We celebrated Christmas early with Aunt Mariah by decorating gingerbread houses and exchanging presents.

The finished gingerbread village

It was a fun and funny night!

In November, Curt and I purchased some bookshelves from IKEA. When he tried to assemble them, two of the shelves were broken. Of course! Extremely frustrating since IKEA is in St. Louis! The boys were not thrilled that they had to tag along for the IKEA exchange. They didn't realize we decided to surprise them with a trip to Sky Zone and lunch at Chik-fil-A before making the exchange at IKEA. We are excited for the Springfield location to open this summer.    
Before having tons of fun on the trampolines

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